Remember You

The everyday life of the family caregiver is full of stress, and stress can lead to unhealthy habits and poorer mental and physical health. Remember You is about urging the caregivers of a family to prioritize their health.

Being the family’s caregiver is not easy. You have wear many hats and are expected to handle many things – time management, scheduling, housework, meals, taxi services, laundry, groceries, attending/caring for you children, caring for an elderly parent, applying band-aids to your husband’s finger that he cut while slicing potatoes…the list goes on and on. Now throw in a full or part-time job plus a couple of pets and you become the ringleader of managing chaos for everything that surrounds you.

When was the last time you had an annual physical? Health screenings? The flu vaccine? Sat down, in peace, at a local coffee shop and enjoyed a moment of calm while sipping on some warm brew?

Prioritize your health and well-being today. Remember You!

Discover more at and follow us on Twitter @RememberYou_2.

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